Archivos del último mes January 2017


RSS News of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia,es

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Tax deferral
On the occasion of the changes made by the Ministry of Finance in Royal Decree-Law 3/2016 de 2 December 2016, tributarioy measures aimed at social level, from 01 of January of 2017, not may postpone or split the following tax debts:

• The withholdings and account I.R.P.F (Model 111, and model 115)

• the possibility of rescheduling or tax obligations to be met by required to make installment payments of corporate income tax is eliminated (Model 202).

• the possibility of postponement or fractionation of taxes is eliminated repercuted, that is to say, of VAT (Model 303)...


El 15 December 2016, the European navigation system Galileo satellite will begin offering its initial services to public authorities, businesses and citizens


Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič Commission, Union responsible for Energy, has declared: "The geolocation is an essential aspect of the current digital revolution it offers new services that transform our daily lives. Galileo tenfold the accuracy of geolocation and encourage the next generation of location-based technologies, as autonomous cars, connected devices, or services smart cities. Today I appeal to European entrepreneurs and tell them: imagine what can be done with Galileo; do not expect, innovad.»

Meanwhile, la Comisaria Elzbieta Bieńkowska, for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, has declared: «Los servicios inici...